Strength & Wellbeing Program Week 5

Week five of Jack McLean’s strength and wellbeing programs is here and the penultimate week is about preparing ourselves mentally and physically for a strong finish.

Jack is Box Hill’s Head of Performance and has designed a pair of training programs to help our community through Victoria’s state-wide lockdown.

All activities within the plans can be completed in line with government guidelines, though we ask that those undertaking their training do so responsibly.

From week one both programs have been built to get you moving with the purpose and within the structure employed by elite sporting environments to achieve a healthy body via a healthy mindset.

Program one is ideal for anyone wanting to stay active during isolation via a running plan, whilst program two has been designed to mirror the plans Jack provides our players to increase running power and aerobic capacity.

Each weekly plan also incorporates an exercise from our Workout Wednesday series, lead by Jack and available every Wednesday morning across our social channels.

If you haven’t begun your training yet week one is available via the link, with all subsequent weeks also detailed on our website.

“Last week you navigated a demanding program at a consistently high intensity and would’ve been aware of that load come the end of the week,” Jack said.

“As we’ve stressed throughout, when training to programs such as these, listening to your body and making sure you don’t overload is as important as completing the exercises.

“In line with that week five is still a challenge, but one that will be executed at a lower intensity to allow for recovery and a reset.

“This is so that we can finish the programs off with a renewed and fresh frame of mind next week.

“If you’ve been completing either program it’s important to acknowledge all the great work you’ve done to this point and prime yourself for a strong finish.

“Whilst maintaining your focus is important, make sure to enjoy the week’s training.”

Each week Jack includes a mindfulness objective. Week five’s health and wellbeing challenge is to maintain a grateful journal. Put aside five minutes each day to detail what you’re grateful for.

Program One 


For time:
50 push + 100 squats


30min walk or easy jog


Workout Wednesday – this week’s exercise available via our social channels


2 x 10 x 100m efforts pick 3 reps each set to get to 90% 

5 x 30;30 of bridge walks + side plank E.S rest 1min between sets


Rest day


3 x 1000m at steady pace, 400-600m jog rec


Rest day


Program Two


Day one

Find a hill that takes around 40sec to run

5 min warm-up run
5 x 40 second hill run > jog back

2 minute walk to recover after 5 reps (repeat 3 times)
5 min easy jog to recover

Day two

10 min run drills + mobility
5 sets of: [4 x 150m – 2 reps @ 70% 2 reps @ 80% (60s jog or 40s walk) 

(2 mins between sets) ]

10 mins run post-session

Day three

10 mins jog & running drills +
3 sets of: [ 3 x 50m @ 80% (jog back) > 3 x 40m @ 90% (walk back) 

> 3 x 30m @ 90% (walk back)] +

10 min jog post-session

Jack McLean is the Box Hill Hawks’ Head of Performance. For more information about Jack’s programs visit

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