City Oval Funding Commitment

The Box Hill Hawks’ vision for a redeveloped Box Hill City Oval took a significant step towards becoming a reality today, with state and federal branches of the Liberal Party committing significant funding to the project.

State Opposition Leader, the Hon. Matthew Guy, was joined at City Oval by Candidate for Menzies Keith Wolahan, Candidate for Box Hill Nicole Werner and the Member for Chisholm, Gladys Liu, to formally announce a combined $12.5m in funding – $7.5m from the federal government and $5m from the Victorian state opposition – should both parties win their upcoming elections.

“State Liberals are proud to commit $5m for Box Hill City Oval,” said Mr. Guy.

“We’ve got to fix our community spaces up, we’ve got to invest in them. Good politics… is about projects that affect people and their lives.

“It’s time to re-invest in these [spaces] so that sporting clubs have good facilities, upgraded club rooms and [are better equipped] for women’s sport.

“It’s about investing in ourselves, our communities and our families.”

Mr. Wolahan, who is set to contest the seat of Menzies at the upcoming federal election, echoed his state counterpart’s sentiments.

“It’s our pleasure to announce a commitment of $7.5m from the federal government,” Mr. Wolahan said.

“One thing we’ve learnt in Victoria over the past two years is that our local spaces matter. Our green spaces and community spaces.

“I’ve heard from the people of Box Hill and this oval means a lot to them… for community sport and particularly women’s sport – and that’s a wonderful thing we’re happy to support.”

Nicole Werner, the party’s candidate for Box Hill in this year’s state election, spoke passionately about the project and its importance.

“We’re really excited. This is a great day for women’s sport, for community sport, for local sport. It’s amazing,” Ms. Werner said.

“We’re pleased for what this will mean for the community. To open up this space to be a vibrate green space that people from all over can use… it’s so brilliant to make this announcement.”

Box Hill Hawks’ President, Ed Sill, thanked the parties for their commitments and spoke of his excitement that the long-gestating project is moving forward.

“it’s an exciting day,” Sill began.

“We see this as the first step in creating a City Oval that caters for so many different levels of football – whether that be the VFL programs we’re already running, and Hawthorn and their AFLW programs as they kick off.

“So, exciting, lots of hard work and time has gone into this, but we now look forward.”

This announcement complements the Whitehorse City Council’s established commitment to the project.

The Club will provide updates on the status of this project as they become available.

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