Strength & Wellbeing Program Week 3

In week three of Jack McLean’s strength and wellbeing programs the focus is on consolidating what we’ve achieved so far and building a head of steam for the weeks to come.

If you haven’t gotten started yet you can have a look back at Jack’s running programs for weeks one and two via the links.

There is an option for all fitness types, with program one designed to cater for all abilities and fitness levels, whilst program two has been built to mirror the running plans Jack provides our players.

Coupled with our Workout Wednesday exercises – available each Wednesday via our social media channels – Jack has designed a plan to get you moving, keep you active and give your training the structure used to get results in elite sporting environments.

“Across the first two weeks of both programs we’ve laid a foundation to really attack week three,” Jack said.

“You’ll start to feel results now, but the work continues and this week represents another good challenge to maintain your intensity, which is a focus for the week, and application.”

With an additional running session added to this week’s schedule Jack cautions those completing the programs against a common trap.

“Something to remember, however, is to always listen to and be aware of what your body is telling you.

“As we begin to increase the intensity of our training it’s not uncommon for soreness to emerge, especially if you’re new to a program like this.

“If you’re not feeling quite right, if you have pulled up sore, please don’t think you have to push ahead with the next step in the program.

“Have a break and get yourself in the best condition to continue when you feel most capable.”

Week three’s strength and wellbeing challenge is to eat a vegetable or piece of fruit with every meal.

Program One


Bring sally up push up challenge


*5 x 600m at 60% Pace, 300m rec walk


Workout Wednesday – this week’s exercise available via our social channels


30-40 mins of easy pace mix it up as you feel (walk-jog-run)


Rest day


Hills 2 x 4 45-60sec @ 80% walk back recovery 


Rest day


Program Two

Day one

5 min jog
3 sets of: 2 x 400 meters effort / 15 seconds jog > 2 x 30 seconds effort / 30s jog > 2 x 45 seconds effort / 45 seconds walk

10 mins of 30s run/15s walk post-session

Day two

10 min run drills + mobililty +
2 sets of: 8 x 120m or 8 x 15 second efforts – 4 reps @ 70% 4 reps

@ 85% (20s rest) + 1 lap or 2 mins jog between sets + 10 mins run post session

Day three

10 mins jog & running drills
3 x 30m shuttles 3 x 20m shuttles 3 x 10m shuttles
2 sets of:  2 x 60m @ 80% (jog back) > 1 x 40m @ 90% (walk back) > 1 x 20m @ 90% (walk back)

10 min jog post-session

Jack McLean is the Box Hill Hawks’ Head of Performance. For more information about Jack’s programs visit

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