Letter to members

Ed Sill, President of the Box Hill Hawks, has today provided an update on the Club’s position during the COVID–19 pandemic.

With Victoria under Stage 4 lockdown restrictions Sill acknowledged the strain many in the state are enduring, but thanked everyone involved for their sacrifices and support

“I hope you’re keeping safe and looking after your family and friends during these times,” Mr. Sill began.

“We all need to play our part and contribute to returning to some sort of normality in the not-too-distant future.

“I want to take this opportunity to [acknowledge] our players, coaches, football staff, supporters, members, sponsors and our Mustang Members for your wonderful support over the past few months.

“I’d also [acknowledge] Whitehorse Council and State & Federal governments for their support; particularly Whitehorse Council, who have been unwavering in their support.
“We really do appreciate it – it’s made a difficult time easier to deal with.

Mr. Sill paid special tribute to the relationship the Club enjoys with Hawthorn, now in its twentieth year, praising the senior leadership’s ongoing encouragement and expertise to aid Box Hill in these tumultuous times.

“Thanks to Hawthorn. Both Justin Reeves (Chief Executive Officer) and Tim Silvers (Chief Operating Officer & Box Hill Board Member) have been wonderfully supportive of us over the last three or four months.

“As I’ve spent more time with the other VFL presidents… they reflect that it’s a great alignment that’s worked and stood the test of time.”

Regarding the Club’s financial position Mr. Sill says that whilst 2020 represents a substantial challenge, a record of strong management has insulated the Club against any grave repercussions of an abandoned season.


“We will make a significant financial loss this year, it’s the reality of a season without footy.” Mr. Sill said.

“However, the good news is that after twenty years of wonderful management [we] have a balance sheet that can absorb [this] year.

“We’ve got to spend a bit of time re-building that balance sheet over the coming years, but we’re in a position that allows us to think long term about the challenges that 2020 have brought.”


With respect to a return to play Box Hill has been in consistent and productive dialogue with its fellow VFL clubs and AFL management.  

“We’ve spent a lot of time chatting to fellow club presidents and their general managers, and a lot of time with the AFL to plan what 2021 and beyond might look like.

“It’s still a little early to make a call on how things will play out [because] there’s work to be done at AFL level on soft caps, salary caps and list sizes which will all impact the VFL next year.

“In general terms I’d expect the composition of the VFL competition to broadly remain as it is and we look forward to competing.

“We were hoping to get guidance on that in August, but that’s likely to push back into September – which is completely understandable.

Talks are set to continue over the coming months and Mr. Sill will keep Club staff, members & supporters, sponsors and key stakeholders abreast of any and all developments.

“Hopefully in September I’ll be able to update you as to what next season looks like.

“We’re keen to begin our planning program and as soon as we’ve got information we’ll pass it on.


“Again, thanks for all your support. Look after your family & friends and go Hawks.”

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