Get to know: James Locke

It’s time to Get to know second-year Hawk, James Locke!


Nickname: Jimmy

AFL club supported as a kid: Collingwood

Best moment in Junior Footy: 4-Peat!

Favourite AFL player of all time: ‘Neon’ Leon Davis

Funniest teammate: Harrison Burt

Singer/band would you like to be played at the Grand Final: Rufus

If you could swap jobs with someone who would it be: Kevin Hart

Pre-match superstitions: Listen to the same music on game day and only drink water the day before the game

Favourite meal before a game: Jam sandwich

Favourite thing to do outside footy: Go to the beach

If you won the lottery, what would be the thing you’d buy first: House

Next on your travel bucket list: Europe or South America

Your most treasured possession: Trophies and Medals

Favourite movie:Coach Carter

Favourite TV show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Best concert attended: J Cole

What you’d like to do after your footy career: Have my own business

As a footballer, how would you like to be remembered: Someone who never gave up and loved off-field as much as on the field.


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